Stellenbosch Primary School, South Africa is an innovative, forward-thinking school. They embrace technology on every level to ensure that their pupils get the highest and best form of education their ever can be. Recently they started implementing tablets to host their textbooks, instead of the students carrying it around. But, they still hang-on to the good-old homework book. But it is not just a random homework book. It is custom designed and laid out so that a 6 year old can understand it, but the 13 year old will still feel cool with the book in their possession.
Our services were obtained for another year to do the layout of the inside of the book in conjunction with their graphic designer.
The book is more than just a homework book. It is a source of information for all pupils and their parents. It is also the book that contains all dates, schedules, etc. which every child need to have to navigate every day school life. The book should have big enough space for a grade 1 to be able to write big letters in, but it should contain all the cool elements you’ll find in a teenager’s diary. The font used should always be very legible by the smaller children.
Book layout
Stellenbosch Primary School
Page setter
November 2020 (for the year 2021)
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