Isn’t that a question that is on everybody’s lips? If only we can figure out what our audience loves, life will be smooth-sailing all the way. Well, I have got news for you! I have got this nailed and want to share my strategy with you!
Rule number one on what not to do: don’t try to be cool. We are all created uniquely. What is cool for you is not necessarily cool to your neighbour (or your friend for that matter)! So what do I do instead? I am real. I am myself. People applauds and supports realness, not a fakeness overload. Being real and true to who you are is your number one asset! If you are a goofball that loves to giggle, laugh and be silly, be that. No shame in being yourself. People will love you for who you are and relate to you in such a powerful way.
Always try to look for a way to make things entertaining. As a social media manager, you are not only an online marketer. You are somebody that is part comedian, part storyteller, part actor/actress. So why not put on an unforgettable show. Be yourself, create your own voice, be different (by being yourself). Be bold! Create awesome content that showcases your personality. Although it is not on social media now, does not mean it will not work.
Go and be awesome!